Monday, January 21, 2008

Myopic View

Currently the first year studio has been assigned a project requiring the deconstruction and analysis of three buildings(two artifacts, one modern work).I never realized how myopic my view had been about the construction of a building , and how difficult illustrating certain design concepts can be. The amount of thought and tweaking that goes into things such as how much natural light a building recieves, situating it just right on a site, is amazing .
The more I analyze the more I realize that to the architect, being able to design, and physically construct is about as significant as giving another human being life, the amount of systems that a single building is composed of , the structure(skeletal system), simple architectural details(composition fo the face), the circulation throughout the building(/body)

I'm having the most fun reading about the history of each, and seeing that for everytime a civilization is defeated, or a coup d'tat occurs the most notable buildings are not taken down, as signs of the fall of a civilization, they are changed to accomodate the new cronies.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

The more questions.........

Hello, Welcome to the first year blog.From here on I will be giving you insights into the life and experiences of a first year Architecture student .
As I muddle through all the information of what designing space means, it seems the more questions I ask myself about design, the more questions I come up with not answers.In pursuit of the answers though I have bumped into some interesting facts,none that have actually helped me get any closer to answering any of my questions but interesting nonetheless. For example, I once heard that you can tell where a society's values lie when you look at which buildings are the tallest, or at the center of a community.When you look at our skyline what do you see, commercial buildings,businesses, etc. this is quite interesting when we think of those things that stood at the center of our communities,churches, schools, places of community gatherings.