Monday, January 21, 2008

Myopic View

Currently the first year studio has been assigned a project requiring the deconstruction and analysis of three buildings(two artifacts, one modern work).I never realized how myopic my view had been about the construction of a building , and how difficult illustrating certain design concepts can be. The amount of thought and tweaking that goes into things such as how much natural light a building recieves, situating it just right on a site, is amazing .
The more I analyze the more I realize that to the architect, being able to design, and physically construct is about as significant as giving another human being life, the amount of systems that a single building is composed of , the structure(skeletal system), simple architectural details(composition fo the face), the circulation throughout the building(/body)

I'm having the most fun reading about the history of each, and seeing that for everytime a civilization is defeated, or a coup d'tat occurs the most notable buildings are not taken down, as signs of the fall of a civilization, they are changed to accomodate the new cronies.


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