Thursday, February 28, 2008

A door by any other name

So , In a recent project we covered the design of a door. I found myself going from far left field, a specific theory of craziness, but

What is a door? I've pondered this many night as a true vigilant architect would. I accepted no text book answers--who really can give hem credibility?(The author?But who gave them authority before that and that?) Instead I go to the methods of the philosopher Socrates. I start with what I know. A door is... a panel of wood with a chunk of metal? A gateway? The divider of two spaces? WHAT?!! Of course, I find this method only tells me what a door is not! So what then? Night and day I struggled. I couldn't eat or sleep or take a shower or be clean in any sort if sense (though, none of this new to me. I am, after all, an architect major)Then I figure, WHO CARES? Seriously, as long as it works and lets me through, I'm on my way to bigger and better things such as...the importance of noncoding DNA (the subject of a VERY important paper to be).

In my defense I wrote none of that philosophical bull, my friend(biology major) took my computer being open as an opportunity to input her own opinion.

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